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Monday, September 26, 2011

Non-fiction Author, Dennis AuBuchon Discusses His Book, Integrity: Do You Have It? 2nd edition

I have been writing for several years.  To date I have written over 300 articles centered on the topic of integrity principles and hot issues of the day.  I have a background in quality assurance principles (25 years) and I am a certified quality auditor with the American Society for Quality (ASQ).  I have been a part of audit teams and have been an audit team leader.  In this environment, I learned much, which has benefited me in my writing.  When I began writing I did some research about the topics for which I had an interest.  I am a registered expert on for the topics of quality control, TQM and ISO 9000. 

I designed my own website ( and continually add information and resources.  A quote I use on each page is quality writing and services to make a difference.  I believe in the principle that one person can make a difference with what we do as individuals.  In my business, I believe in operating it with honesty, integrity and quality principles.  I have signed a business ethics pledge, which involves treating all stakeholders fairly, with compassion and a commitment to service.

I belong to several social networks and believe in providing valuable input to topics.  Examples of social networking sites where I participate are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to name a few.  My articles can be found on such sites as, American Chronicle,, American Conservative Daily and

Tell us about the genre of your work. 

The genre of my writing is non-fiction.  This genre is a presentation of facts and information on various topics.  Some research may be required to address specific issues or topics but it can be based on knowledge and experience of the author. 

Why did you choose this genre?

I chose this genre as I enjoy presenting information to help others with various topics or issues to make good decisions based on a complete set of facts and information.

How is writing in the genre you write, different than other genre?

Writing in this genre is different in that facts are presented while in other genres it is more about creating a story surrounded by a main theme.
What are some of your books, stories that have been published?

I have published two books to date.  One is titled Integrity: Do You Have It? 2nd edition, and the other is What Makes a Good Audit?

Give a short description of each. 

Integrity: Do You Have It? 2nd edition was published in December 2005.  The ISBN is 0741429160.  It can be found through my publisher Infinity Publishing (,  and it is available for sale on all major bookstore websites include many in foreign countries.  It is available as an electronic and paperback. 

Integrity: Do You Have It? 2nd edition defines integrity and discusses the characteristics.  It creates a common set of criteria to measure others and us.  These criteria are then applied to various segments of society such as the news, politics and education.  It brings the subject of integrity down to the individual level through a chapter on personal integrity. 
What Makes a Good Audit? was published in 2010.  The ISBN is 7189-090516-153833-37.  It can be purchased through my website or  The book presents and discusses the principles and characteristics of good auditing from the viewpoint of the auditor and those being audited.  It presents and discusses various types of audits and the requirements from the viewpoint of private industry and government perspectives.  Examples of chapters include team leader responsibilities, auditor qualifications and the use of experts when they are needed.

Where do you get your ideas for writing?

The ideas for my writing come from almost anywhere.  It can be as a result of a news story, a conversation with co-workers or hot topics of the day.  

What is your favorite thing about your book?

My one favorite thing about my book is that it is something I created and have total control over the content.  The information in my book (s) is meant to make a difference in helping others make the right decisions given the complete facts and information.

Why and when did you begin writing?
I began writing several years ago (about 8) when I retired and had time to write.  I now work part time which provides not only the time to write but to interact with others during the day.

 Is there any one person who had a big influence on you or encouraged you to write? 

There really is not one person who had an influence on encouraging me to write. I always had the desire to write since my early school years.  When given the opportunity I began writing which has culminated in two books at the present time and over 300 articles.

What is your writing schedule? 

I do not have a specific schedule other than I write in the mornings before I go to work and I write in the evening before I go to bed.
What projects are you working on now, or plan for the future?

I am currently working on adding several pages to my website to provide more opportunities and information to other authors not to mention information for the general public.  I continue to write articles on a variety of topics and I am working on more than two books.

What kind of advice or tips to you have for someone who wants to write and be published?

My advice for someone who wants to write and be published is to never give up.  If they have the desire to write there are many opportunities to get published.  Before choosing a publisher, check out their credentials and get some feedback on experience with them through social networking sites.  You can gain valuable information about the publishing industry and publishers through connecting with other authors.

Are there any other comments, advice or tips that you would give to beginning writers?

For writers who are just beginning I would say to stay focused and be persistent in your writing.  When you write something that you are proud of, then others will be too.  Writers/authors must be proud of what they accomplish and should make sure what they write results in a quality product. 

What “Made It” moments have you experienced in life?

The first made it moment involved seeing my name on my first book when I received it in the mail from my publisher.  Another made it moment involved getting the recognition from other authors on the quality of what I have written.  Getting recognized by other authors as to the quality of what I write is an important step in being recognized in the industry. 

You can contact, or find out more about Dennis on the following websites.
web site:
Have you signed the business ethics pledge at I Have
Registered as an expert on

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